Get Your Groove Back with herbs for Hot Flashes

Hot Flashes Cramping Your Style? Get Your Groove Back

Girls, it’s time I said it loud and clear, because there is still a lot of confusion around this message:

Herbs reduce or completely eliminate peri-menopausal symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes, sleeplessness, hair loss, loss of libido, crazy periods, the whole deal.

Are you tired of losing sleep, waking up soaked? Herbalism has your back. It’s always been here, restoring women’s natural rhythms. Herbal teas, tinctures, baths, everything you need to feel like yourself again.

Week after week, I visit with women who share stories of soaking the bedsheets from wicked night sweats. Suffering weeks or months of exhausting insomnia. Tracking periods that run the gamut from every 2 or 3 months to every 2 or 3 weeks, with flooding and sometimes debilitating pain, migraines and too many other miseries to name here.

They call me days or weeks after starting their custom herb formulas to say thank you for the relief.

My clients find me through a girlfriend or sister who didn’t have luck with conventional medicine and tried something ‘sort of out there’, as one woman referred to my work. I’m not offended.

Women come to herbal and natural care for lots of reasons – dissatisfaction with traditional medicine, bad experiences with drug side effects, a reputation for safety, and a desire to explore options to surgery.

For me, it was fear. During chemo for breast cancer, I was afraid to lose my hair, so I visited a naturopathic physician my friend was seeing.

I still lost my hair, but the pills and capsules cleared up my lifelong digestion problems and most of my fibromyalgia pain – conditions I’d resigned myself to dealing with forever.

Even if fear or drug side effects point them to herbal solutions, it’s the results that keep my clients coming back and getting more involved in their own healthcare decisions. When they get results, they stop worrying about what their doctor, their mother, or their partner might think.

There’s a lot of mis-information in media to sort through. Working with a professionally trained herbalist to guide you through the quagmire can come in handy.

Taking a problem like night sweats to a professional herbalist might not have been your first thought. It’s not the sort of health solution you see splashed across billboards on Main Street. Without drug company profit margins, those billboards and expensive advertising campaigns are pretty much out of the question for herbalists.

We rely on word-of-mouth, and let me tell you, women talk. Good results are the main reason my clients are telling their sisters, moms, daughters, and co-workers to go see ‘that herb lady’ when they’re a hot mess of hormones.

Take your time and think it over. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here when you’re ready to explore your options. You’ll get the truth if I think herbalism is a less effective choice for your very personal situation.

So, come sit in a comfortable chair and let’s talk this thing through. No judgement, no obligation. Just one woman to another. That’s the most natural thing I can offer.


Herbalist Mo